9 1110x601 - गुर्दे की पथरी का करवाएं आयुष्मान योजना के तहत नि:शुल्क उपचार-lifestyle, health-care-

गुर्दे की पथरी का करवाएं आयुष्मान योजना के तहत नि:शुल्क उपचार

एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें गुर्दे में ठोस पदार्थों का जमाव होता है। ये जमाव छोटे या बड़े हो सकते हैं और मूत्र मार्ग में रुकावट पैदा कर सकते हैं। गुर्दे की पथरी के लक्षण में दर्द, उल्टी, मतली, मूत्र में खून आना आदि शामिल हैं।

आयुष्मान उपचार
आयुष्मान भारत योजना के तहत गुर्दे की पथरी के उपचार की सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हैं। इसमें निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं:

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WhatsApp Image 2023 12 14 at 6.57.35 PM 1 1110x601 - हर्निया के कारण , हर्निया के प्रकार, हर्निया के जोखिम, हर्निया से बचाव ।।-hernia-हर्निया से बचाव, हर्निया के प्रकार, हर्निया के जोखिम, हर्निया के कारण, hernia

हर्निया के कारण , हर्निया के प्रकार, हर्निया के जोखिम, हर्निया से बचाव ।।

हर्निया एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें शरीर की कोई मांसपेशी या ऊतक किसी छेद के जरिए अपनी झिल्ली या खोल से बाहर आ जाता है। इस बाहर निकले अंग को ही हर्निया कहा जाता है। हर्निया की समस्या ज्यादातर आंत और पेट के आसपास के क्षेत्र में देखी जाती है।

हर्निया के कारण

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WhatsApp Image 2023 12 11 at 1.58.35 PM 1110x601 - कैंसर की समस्या होने पर तुरंत अस्पताल में विजिट करें व इलाज करवाएं: महात्मा गांधी इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साईंसिज-cancer-कैंसर की समस्या, MGIMS Haryana, MGIMS

कैंसर की समस्या होने पर तुरंत अस्पताल में विजिट करें व इलाज करवाएं: महात्मा गांधी इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साईंसिज

कैंसर एक गंभीर बीमारी है जिसमें अनियमित रूप से बढ़ते अनियंत्रित कोशिकाएं शरीर के विभिन्न हिस्सों में उत्पन्न होती हैं। इस बीमारी का समय पर पहचानना और उचित इलाज प्राप्त करना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। महात्मा गांधी इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साईंसिज, जो एक प्रमुख अस्पताल है, इसमें मदद कर सकता है।
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WhatsApp Image 2023 12 02 at 6.40.51 PM 1110x601 - आयुष्मान भारत योजना के तहत गुर्दे की पथरी के उपचार की उपलब्ध सुविधाएं-kidney-गुर्दे की पथरी

आयुष्मान भारत योजना के तहत गुर्दे की पथरी के उपचार की उपलब्ध सुविधाएं

गुर्दे की पथरी एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें गुर्दे में ठोस पदार्थों का जमाव होता है। ये जमाव छोटे या बड़े हो सकते हैं और मूत्र मार्ग में रुकावट पैदा कर सकते हैं। गुर्दे की पथरी के लक्षण में दर्द, उल्टी, मतली, मूत्र में खून आना आदि शामिल हैं।

आयुष्मान उपचार
आयुष्मान भारत योजना के तहत गुर्दे की पथरी के उपचार की सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हैं। इसमें निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं:
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4 1110x601 - साइटिका लक्षण, बचाव व उपचार-general-साइटिका लक्षण, साइटिका बचाव, साइटिका उपचार

साइटिका लक्षण, बचाव व उपचार

साइटिका एक प्रकार का तीव्र दर्द है जो रीढ़ की हड्डी की सबसे बड़ी तंत्रिका, सायटिक तंत्रिका पर दबाव पड़ने के कारण होता है। यह दर्द आमतौर पर नितंबों से शुरू होता है और पैर के पीछे नीचे की ओर फैलता है। साइटिका के लक्षण निम्नलिखित हैं:

दर्द: साइटिका का सबसे आम लक्षण दर्द है। यह दर्द तेज, इलेक्ट्रिक शॉक जैसा हो सकता है। यह दर्द बैठने, खड़े होने, चलने या खांसने, छींकने या हंसने पर बिगड़ सकता है।

साइटिका दर्द
झुनझुनी: साइटिका पैरों में झुनझुनी और सुन्नता का कारण भी हो सकता है। यह पैर के एक हिस्से या पूरे पैर में हो सकता है।

साइटिका के कारण पैर में झुनझुनी
कमजोरी: साइटिका पैरों की कमजोरी का कारण भी बन सकता है। यह पैर में भारीपन या पैर उठाने में कठिनाई का कारण बन सकता है।

साइटिका के कारण पैर में कमजोरी
सायटिका का सबसे आम कारण रीढ़ की हड्डी में डिस्क की समस्या है। डिस्क रीढ़ की हड्डी के बीच की छोटी, रबर जैसी संरचनाएँ होती हैं। वे रीढ़ की हड्डी को शोक और कंपन से बचाने में मदद करती हैं। यदि डिस्क फट जाती है या विस्थापित हो जाती है, तो यह सायटिक तंत्रिका पर दबाव डाल सकती है, जिससे दर्द और अन्य लक्षणों का कारण बन सकता है।

सायटिका के अन्य संभावित कारणों में शामिल हैं:

रीढ़ की हड्डी में ट्यूमर
रीढ़ की हड्डी में संक्रमण
रीढ़ की हड्डी में सूजन
सायटिका का इलाज आमतौर पर लक्षणों को कम करने और रीढ़ की हड्डी पर दबाव को कम करने पर केंद्रित होता है। उपचार में निम्नलिखित शामिल हो सकते हैं:

दर्द निवारक दवाएं: दर्द निवारक दवाएं, जैसे ओवर-द-काउंटर दर्द निवारक या ओपिओइड, दर्द को कम करने में मदद कर सकती हैं।
फिजिकल थेरेपी: फिजिकल थेरेपी रीढ़ की हड्डी की गतिशीलता में सुधार और दर्द को कम करने में मदद कर सकती है।
इनजेक्शन: स्टेरॉयड इंजेक्शन रीढ़ की हड्डी पर सूजन को कम करने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
शस्त्रक्रिया: शायद ही कभी, यदि अन्य उपचार काम नहीं करते हैं, तो रीढ़ की हड्डी में दबाव को कम करने के लिए सर्जरी की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।
सायटिका के लिए उपचार की सफलता दर आमतौर पर अच्छी होती है। अधिकांश लोगों को लक्षणों में सुधार होता है और वे कुछ सप्ताह या महीनों में ठीक हो जाते हैं।

सायटिका के कुछ घरेलू उपचार जो लक्षणों को कम करने में मदद कर सकते हैं उनमें शामिल हैं:

आराम: दर्द और सूजन को कम करने के लिए आराम करना महत्वपूर्ण है।
गर्म या ठंडा संपीड़न: गर्म या ठंडा संपीड़न दर्द और सूजन को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है।
मालिश: मालिश रीढ़ की हड्डी की गतिशीलता में सुधार और दर्द को कम करने में मदद कर सकती है।
यदि आपको साइटिका के लक्षण हैं, तो अपने डॉक्टर से परामर्श करना महत्वपूर्ण है। डॉक्टर आपके लक्षणों का मूल्यांकन कर सकते हैं और आपके लिए सही उपचार योजना विकसित कर सकते हैं।

आयुष्मान योजना ने गरीब परिवारों के लिए घुटना प्रत्यारोपण जैसी गंभीर बीमारियों के इलाज को सुलभ और किफायती बना दिया है।

सायटिका के इलाज के लिए, महात्मा गांधी इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साईंसिज, आईटीआई चौक, हरि पैलेस के पीछे, तोशाम रोड, हिसार या फोन नम्बरों 99902-64611, 99924-87111 पर भी सम्पर्क कर सकते हैं।
Eye Flu 1110x601 - What is Eye Flu ,Eye Flu Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment-eyes-Eye Flu Treatment, Eye Flu Symptoms, Eye Flu Causes, Eye Flu

What is Eye Flu ,Eye Flu Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The eyes are our windows to the world, enabling us to experience life's beauty in vivid detail. However, just like any other part of the body, the eyes can fall victim to infections and illnesses. One such common ailment is eye flu, also known as viral conjunctivitis. In this blog, we will delve into the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for eye flu to help you better understand and manage this condition.

Symptoms of Eye Flu: Eye flu is characterized by a range of uncomfortable symptoms that can affect one or both eyes. These symptoms may include:

  1. Redness: The whites of the eyes (sclera) may appear pink or red due to inflammation of the conjunctiva (the thin, transparent layer covering the white part of the eyes).

  2. Watery Discharge: Excessive tearing and a clear or white discharge may be present, causing the eyes to feel watery and sticky.

  3. Itchiness: The eyes may feel itchy and irritated, leading to frequent rubbing, which can exacerbate the condition.

  4. Grittiness: A sensation of having a foreign object, such as sand or grit, in the eye can be experienced.

  5. Sensitivity to Light: Known as photophobia, this symptom can cause discomfort when exposed to bright lights.

  6. Swelling: The eyelids may become swollen or puffy due to inflammation.

  7. Crust Formation: Dried discharge can lead to crusty eyelashes, especially upon waking in the morning.

Causes of Eye Flu: Eye flu is primarily caused by viral infections, with the most common culprits being adenoviruses. These viruses can spread through direct contact with an infected person's eye secretions or by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the eyes. Factors that can increase the risk of contracting eye flu include:

  1. Close Contact: Being in close proximity to someone with viral conjunctivitis increases the likelihood of transmission.

  2. Poor Hygiene: Not washing hands regularly or sharing personal items like towels can facilitate the spread of the virus.

  3. Crowded Places: Locations with high population density, such as schools and daycare centers, can promote the rapid spread of the infection.

  4. Allergies: Individuals with pre-existing allergies may be more susceptible to viral conjunctivitis.

Treatment Options: While eye flu can be uncomfortable, the good news is that it usually clears up on its own within a couple of weeks. However, there are several steps you can take to alleviate symptoms and promote healing:

  1. Hygiene: Practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your eyes. Use a clean tissue or cloth to wipe away discharge.

  2. Cold Compresses: Applying a cold compress to the eyes can help reduce inflammation and soothe discomfort.

  3. Artificial Tears: Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops can provide relief from dryness and irritation.

  4. Avoid Contact Lenses: It's recommended to avoid wearing contact lenses until the infection has fully resolved to prevent further irritation.

  5. Prescription Medications: In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe antiviral eye drops to speed up recovery.

When to Seek Medical Attention: While most cases of eye flu resolve on their own, it's important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the following:

  1. Severe pain or discomfort

  2. Vision changes or blurriness

  3. Intense sensitivity to light

  4. Pus-like discharge

  5. Symptoms that worsen or persist for more than two weeks

cervical cancer 1110x601 - What do you need to know about cervical Cancer?-cancer-MGIMS Hisar, MGIMS Haryana, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, cervical Cancer

What do you need to know about cervical Cancer?

The cervix is also known as the neck of the uterus. Cancer of cervix is the 2nd most common cancer seen in females contributing to 18.3% of all female cancers in Indian women. More than 1 lakh new cases are being diagnosed per year in India. Approximately 77,000 women lose their lives to this cancer per year in India. This cancer affects women between 35-45 years of age.

The most common symptoms are abnormal uterine bleeding and post coital bleeding more specifically. Other symptoms can be a foul smelling discharge from the vagina, weight loss, swelling in the legs, etc. Factors like early start of sexual activity, younger age at marriage, more than 5 lifetime sexual partners, multiple childbirths, poor hygiene, infections with sexually transmitted diseases, and oral contraceptive use make women high risk for cervical cancer.

Unfortunately patients present at an advanced stage to the hospital for which treatments like radiotherapy with chemotherapy can achieve cure rates of 40-50%. However if a patient comes at an early stage, surgery can achieve a cure rate of up to 90%.

This cancer has a long preinvasive phase due to which detection of cervical lesions which lead to the development of cervical cancer in future and treating them can totally prevent this cancer.

Thus, screening asymptomatic women plays an essential role. A simple and painless test called as Pap smear done at regular intervals can help in reducing the burden of cervical cancer significantly. Since 99% of cervical cancers arise from persistent Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection, vaccination against HPV has the potential to eliminate cervical cancer. If given at appropriate age before the start of sexual activity to adolescent girls, vaccine efficacy approaches 100% in preventing type specific HPV persistence.

World Health Organization (WHO) recommends vaccinating girls between 9-14 years of age with 2 doses of HPV vaccine and girls of age 15years or above  up to 26 years can be vaccinated with 3 doses of HPV vaccine. This vaccine is highly effective and safe to use. It is highly commendable that India will have its indigenous vaccine against HPV available very soon. Thus consult your Gynaecologist/Gynecological Oncologist today.

Mahatma gandhi 2 1110x601 - Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Hisar: A Leading Cancer Hospital Focused on Excellence in Care-cancer-NABH Accredited Hospitals in Hisar, Kidney & Cancer hospital in Hisar, cancer specialist in hisar, best hospital in hisar, Best cancer Hospital in Hisar

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Hisar: A Leading Cancer Hospital Focused on Excellence in Care

Looking for the top cancer hospital in Hisar for yourself or your loved one? you are at the right place When it comes to battling cancer, having access to world-class medical expertise and state-of-the-art facilities is paramount. In the city of Hisar, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS) stands tall as a leading cancer hospital. Renowned for its commitment to excellence in healthcare, MGIMS has gained recognition for its exceptional cancer treatment services and compassionate patient care.

Cutting-Edge Infrastructure and Facilities: MGIMS boasts an impressive infrastructure, incorporating modern facilities and advanced technology to provide comprehensive cancer care. The hospital is equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic tools, including advanced imaging techniques and laboratory services, enabling accurate and timely cancer detection. Additionally, MGIMS houses state-of-the-art radiation therapy machines, surgical suites, and specialized oncology wards, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality treatment available.

Expert Oncologists and Multidisciplinary Team: At MGIMS, a team of highly skilled oncologists and healthcare professionals lies at the heart of their success. The hospital attracts renowned medical experts specializing in various facets of oncology, including medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiation oncology, and supportive care. This multidisciplinary team collaborates closely to develop personalized treatment plans, leveraging their expertise and knowledge to provide patients with the best possible care.

Comprehensive Cancer Treatments: MGIMS offers a comprehensive range of cancer treatments, covering various types and stages of the disease. The hospital follows evidence-based practices and adopts a multidimensional approach to cancer care. This includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, minimally invasive surgeries, and palliative care. By tailoring treatment plans to individual patients, MGIMS ensures that each person receives the most suitable and effective treatment for their specific condition.

Patient-Centric Care: At MGIMS, a patient-centric approach is central to their philosophy of care. The hospital understands the emotional and physical challenges faced by cancer patients and their families and strives to create a supportive and compassionate environment. The medical staff at MGIMS are known for their empathy, understanding, and dedication to providing personalized attention to each patient. They go above and beyond to offer emotional support, address concerns, and guide patients through every step of their cancer journey.

Research and Innovation: MGIMS is committed to advancing the field of cancer care through research and innovation. The hospital actively participates in clinical trials, collaborates with esteemed research institutions, and conducts its research to further the understanding and treatment of cancer. By staying at the forefront of medical research and technological advancements, MGIMS ensures that patients have access to the latest treatment options, experimental therapies, and cutting-edge advancements in cancer care.

Community Outreach and Education: MGIMS plays an active role in the community by organizing awareness programs, cancer screenings, and educational initiatives. The hospital strives to raise awareness about cancer prevention, early detection, and the importance of regular check-ups. Through these efforts, MGIMS aims to empower individuals with knowledge, promote early intervention, and reduce the burden of cancer in the community.

Conclusion: The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS) in Hisar has earned its reputation as a top cancer hospital, offering exceptional healthcare services, advanced infrastructure, a multidisciplinary team of experts, patient-centric care, and a focus on research and innovation. With its unwavering commitment to excellence in cancer treatment and support, MGIMS continues to make a significant impact in the field of oncology. For cancer patients and their loved ones in Hisar, MGIMS serves as a beacon of hope, providing world-class care and fostering an environment of compassion and healing.

What Things To Always Discuss With Your Gynaecologist 1110x601 - What Things To Always Discuss With Your Gynaecologist-gynaecologist-MGIMS Hisar, MGIMS Haryana, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Gynaecologist

What Things To Always Discuss With Your Gynaecologist

In the modern scenario, women are more concerned about their health but they are hesitant to discuss their concerns. They are searching for their problems on social media. But if you want the best treatment you must consult with your Gynaecologist and get all information about your health issues.


> Menstrual cycle and hygiene-

When u visit your Gynae, u should discuss the pattern of the cycle, the flow of the cycle, how I can maintain hygiene during menses, how many times you should use vaginal washes, and how to use a vaginal wash.


> Unexpected symptoms-

When u face signs like sudden weight gain or loss, acne n abdominal pain, excessive and foul-smelling whitish discharge, unusual spotting, breast pain, and others. U should consult your Gynae for the best.


> Sexual Wellness-

Though it is very uncomfortable to talk about your sexual problems with anyone, your gynecologist is your friend, u can openly discuss your all queries with her like what is sexually transmitted disease, why I have UTI and itching after sexual activity, and many more.


> Contraception-

Contraception is a big concern for couples, and they are searching on social media for safe periods, or what measures we can use for contraception. But contraceptive measures have certain health issues that should be discussed with your Gynae for better results.

>pre conception measures

Many couples are very curious to get knowledge about what diet they should take, what exercise increases their fertility chances,,, what problems they will face with late conception and more queries arises in their mind. You the answers u can discuss with your Gynae easily.



End note

Remember, doctors are excellent sources for all your queries and can help you in getting the best care u require.

Social media only increases your confusion and misconceptions…
HPV vaccination 1110x601 - What do you need to know about HPV vaccination?-uncategorized-vaccination, HPV vaccination

What do you need to know about HPV vaccination?

Since 99% of cervical cancers arise from persistent HPV infection, vaccination against HPV has the potential to eliminate cervical cancer. If given at appropriate age before the start of sexual activity to adolescent girls, vaccine efficacy approaches 100% in preventing type specific HPV persistence. Thus consult your Gynaecologist/Gynecological Oncologist today.

Here's what you need to know about HPV vaccination:

  1. Purpose: The primary purpose of HPV vaccination is to protect against certain types of HPV that can lead to various types of cancer. HPV is known to cause cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, penile, and oropharyngeal (throat) cancers. The vaccine also helps prevent genital warts, which are caused by some types of HPV.

  2. Recommended age: HPV vaccination is typically recommended for both males and females starting at the age of 11 or 12. The vaccine is most effective when given before a person becomes sexually active and potentially exposed to the virus. However, it can still be beneficial for those who have already become sexually active or have had prior HPV infections.

  3. Vaccine types: There are several HPV vaccines available, with the most commonly used ones being Gardasil and Cervarix. These vaccines protect against the most common types of HPV associated with cancer and genital warts. Some newer vaccines like Gardasil 9 provide protection against additional types of HPV.

  4. Dosage: The HPV vaccine is typically administered in a series of two or three doses, depending on the age at which the vaccination series begins. For individuals aged 9-14, two doses are recommended with an interval of 6 to 12 months between doses. For those starting at age 15 or older, a series of three doses is usually required, with the second dose given one to two months after the first, and the third dose administered six months after the first dose.

  5. Effectiveness: HPV vaccines have been shown to be highly effective in preventing the targeted HPV infections and related diseases. They have been extensively tested in clinical trials and have proven to be safe and effective in preventing HPV infections and reducing the risk of HPV-related cancers and genital warts.

  6. Side effects: The HPV vaccine is generally safe and well-tolerated. Common side effects include pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. Some people may also experience mild fever, headache, fatigue, or muscle aches. Serious side effects are extremely rare.

  7. Other preventive measures: While HPV vaccination is highly effective, it does not protect against all types of HPV. It is important to continue practicing safe sexual behaviors, such as using condoms, to reduce the risk of HPV and other sexually transmitted infections. Regular cervical cancer screening, such as Pap tests, is also crucial for early detection and treatment.

It's important to consult with a healthcare professional or your doctor for personalized advice and information regarding HPV vaccination, as they can provide the most up-to-date guidance based on your individual circumstances.