Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences ( MGIMS ) is a multispecialty and super specialty 100 bedded fully air-conditioned hospital with all diagnostic and clinical facilities under one roof.

As modern medical care is becoming increasingly resource intensive, expensive and technology dependent and with super specialty services and expertise concentrated in metro cities, what would become of  large sections of our people in the smaller cities and towns? Can they ever dream of having effective, humane and affordable super specialty care at their doorsteps?

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences strikes at the root of this question of accessibility of healthcare for the thousands of peoples in Hisar and also that Live in the nearby smaller cities and towns. Our facility in Hisar brings multi specialty care with in the reach of a vast region of the population. Recognizing the need to bring advanced technology and expertise together, we have taken steps to choose both with utmost care.

We have on board, outstanding clinicians with exemplary track record to lead and develop teams for excellence in practice, education and research.

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences pledges to uphold the spirit of being action oriented and innovative, guided by compassion and uncompromising ethical values.

1,80,000+ patients treated in the last 5 years (since inception)

150 +



Hospital Beds

99 %

Satisfied Patients

110 +

Qualified Staff



To provide patient-centered healthcare with excellence in quality, service, and access. MGIMS provide the best possible medical treatment, delivered most efficiently, in the shortest possible time, at minimum cost to all sections of the society, irrespective of cast, creed or religion. Be an active partner in local community initiatives and contribute to its well-being and development


Our vision towards providing for the people of Hisar superior quality health care services made us come up with Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences a fully equipped Multi Specialty Hospital at par with international standards. The prime objective of establishment of this hospital is to serve patients medical facilities with great zeal, devotion and ethical spirit.


A patient is the most important person in our hospital. He is not an interruption to our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our hospital, he is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him, he is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.